I’ve had the pleasure to interview Miguel Martín from LyricsGaps, a startup I reviewed two weeks ago, and which (as a non-native speaker of English) I found more than interesting.
Below you will find the first part of the interview. Part 2 (“Music & You”) can be read here.

Full Name: Miguel Martín
Age: 30
Startup: LyricsGaps.com
Position: CEO
Tell us a little about your startup. How was it conceived? What are its most distinctive features in your opinion?
I have been studying English since I was a child, and (in my case) the funniest and easiest way to learn the language was when teachers used songs. I think this is the best way of learning new vocabulary, as this allows you to practise your English everywhere.
What did the idea for LyricsGaps came to you?
It was a few months ago, when I was studying at the Official School of Languages in my city. I suddenly had the idea of mixing my two main interests, the music and the net.
What has been the response so far? In which countries has it been more successful?
Well, nowadays it is really difficult to answer this question, but I can tell you that during this time we have been very well-accepted online, and the number of users of lyricsgaps.com has been increasing day by day.
What features can we expect to see implemented in future revisions?
We are always thinking about how we can improve our site, for instance nowadays we are thinking about increasing the number of supported languages. And we are also thinking about adding rankings …
These are just two examples of the things we have to work on in the months to come here at lyricsgaps.com. Continue reading →