Lady Gaga Is Now On Farmville

Lady Gaga Comes To Farmville!

Lady Gaga Comes To Farmville!

Lady Gaga keeps on reminding us why she is called “The Internet Artist”. Her newest venture has her claiming ownership of a portion of FarmVille. It is aptly-called GagaVille, and people who get there can grow jewels and get her new album (“Born This Way”) when they purchase $25 in Zynga game cards.

Zynga is certainly not strange to partnerships with musicians and entertainment companies, as it has previously worked with Snoop Dogg, Dreamworks and Nickelodeon to drop a few names. But the Lady Gaga partnership is unarguably its largest entertainment deal.

GagaVille wll be open until the 26th of May.

Promo clip attached below:

Weird Al Yankovic Parodies Lady GaGa’s “Born This Way”

"Perform This Way" Is The First Single To Be Culled From Al Weird Yankovic's New Album, "ALPOCALYPSE” (out on June 21).

"Perform This Way" Is The First Single To Be Culled From Al Weird Yankovic's New Album, "ALPOCALYPSE” (out on June 21).

For those who can’t stand Lady GaGa, it doesn’t get much funnier that this…

Weird Al Yankovic has just recorded and uploaded a parody of GaGa’s newest single (“Born This Way”) to his YouTube channel.

This parody is named “Perform This Way”, and it basically pokes fun at Lady GaGa’s flamboyant stage antics. It also puts its finger on the similarities between Gaga’s song and Maddona’s “Express Yourself” – something that will have the nay-sayers frenziedly clapping their hands in approval.

“Perform This Way” is going to be the leadoff single of Weird Al Yankovic’s new album, “ALPOCALYPSE” (out on June 21).

“Born This Way”, The Latest Video By Lady Gaga Premieres On Vevo

Born This Way Is The Fastest Selling Song To Have Hit The iTunes Store

Born This Way Is The Fastest Selling Song Ever On iTunes

The newest video by Lady Gaga has just premiered on Vevo, and if it doesn’t shake the ground from beneath Justin Bieber’s feet (her main online competitor) then nothing will. “Born This Way” is already the fastest-selling single on iTunes, and the video has been viewed over 7 million times.

The battle for online supremacy rages on and on…