Empty Sky (Elton John) – Album Review

Empty Sky's Front Cover

Empty Sky's Front Cover

This album is surprising to many people, if only because they believe Elton’s first release was the eponymous record that surfaced the following year. And it is all the more surprising because it is a considerably good album for a first attempt, or at least one whose ambition can’t be vetoed. It also has the distinct advantage of never having been overplayed like his other records, and that makes listening to it a refreshing task.

The whole album was composed by Elton and Bernie. It was produced by Steve Brown, the man who to a certain extent “discovered” them and suggested they began recording songs for themselves instead of being just hired hands for other Dick James Music artists.

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Elton John – General Introduction

Remember When Rock Was Young?

Remember When Rock Was Young?

It is very, very difficult to generalize about Sir Elton John. As much as I admire the man and his music, I am the first to admit that selectiveness is mandatory when you approach his catalog – and that applies even to his heyday way back in the 70’s.

His heyday way back in the 70’s. Elton achieved a degree of success and resonance no artist could even dare to imagine. And one thing that must be mentioned and remembered is that he fought for every inch of it. He captivated the public with standout records and mesmerizing performances, and he worked relentlessly hard from day one. Continue reading