Moon: The Life And Death Of A Rock Legend (Tony Fletcher) – Book Review


Without a doubt, this is one of the best biographies I have ever set my eyes on. This edition was first published in 1999 by Spike. The enthusiasm and integrity of biographer Tony Fletcher drives the book along its 40 chapters, and he takes upon himself to demolish a myriad of myths and legends along the way.

The Beachcombers were not a surf band. Keith’s audition did not take place as we were always told. His 21st birthday party was exaggerated. But Fletcher has a deft way of bringing some much needed light into a life that was to be incredibly aggrandized, explaining how these fabrications are really secondary to Keith Moon as a man and as a musician like no other. Continue reading

Live At Leeds (The Who) – Album Review

A Discreet Cover For An Explosive Album

A Discreet Cover For An Explosive Album

As successful as Tommy would prove to be for The Who, it would also prove to bring about a series of difficulties that were to undermine the band, the way it saw itself, and the way the audience saw it. The problem with the famed rock opera was that the sound of the record was not even remotely reminiscent of the way The Who sounded on stage, and since many people discovered them through Tommy they had no idea of the volume and electricity the band generated when playing live. How could they address that situation and make newcomers realize how they really sounded, and show their old fans that they were as demolishing as ever? The answer was to be named “Live At Leeds”, and nowadays any fan of rock & roll knows the words. They are inscribed into the collective soul of rockers, and into the cognition of those who have experienced music in its purest form.

“Leeds” found the different band members at the point in which they realized The Who was to be what they were to do for the rest of their lives. Not because they were making a substantial income, but because they had found something they truly excelled at, and something that truly inspired others to do their best. Continue reading

Tommy (The Who) – Album Review (Part 2)

(If you haven’t done so already, read Part 1 of this review where “Tommy” is introduced, and the context in which it was created is detailed)

The album had 20 tracks. It was the first double album the band had released. The operatic connection was made evident through a formal overture and an “underture” which was mostly the extension of a theme called “Sparks”, also featured on the album and derived from a chord pattern found on “Rael” from the previous record.

Highlights included “Pinball Wizard” (the first single from the album) and “See Me, Feel Me”, a prayer sent to the most private space within the soul of every listener, a pronunciation of faith and endearment like no other within their repertoire. Other songs which merit mentioning are “The Acid Queen” and “I’m Free”, both very fine rockers. (“I’m Free” was to be released as a single too, and some time later an orchestrated version would be a minor hit.) Continue reading

Tommy (The Who) – Album Review (Part 1)

The Album's Artwork Was Created By A Fellow Baba Lover, Mike McInnerny.

The Album's Artwork Was Created By A Fellow Baba Lover, Mike McInnerny.

Pete Townshend needed an album like Tommy from an intellectual point of view, and The Who needed an album like Tommy from the vantage point of its career. Tommy is regarded as the first “Rock Opera” ever. Endless discussions arise regarding whether or not it deserves that denomination, and whether or not it was the first album that could be termed like that. Leaving the denomination aside, what we have is a collection of songs that came from disparate sources and which the band assembled together as a sort of story with the aid and constant presence of manager Kit Lambert, whose driving force was felt particularly strong on this project.

The main influence might as well have been the teachings of Indian guru Meher Baba. Pete became a Baba lover about a year before the album was first released, and he tried to make the whole work showcase the Compassionate Father’s teachings. Continue reading

The Who Sell Out – Album Review

The Front Cover. It Was Actually Banned In Parts Of The States On Grounds Of Vulgarity.

The Front Cover. It Was Actually Banned In Parts Of The States On Grounds Of Vulgarity.

As you probably know, The Who’s discography was extensively remastered and updated in the mid 90s, when the band celebrated its 30th birthday. A boxed set was released and every single album minus “My Generation” (owing to a legal dispute) was fortified with bonus tracks and big booklets including new liner notes and plenty of photographs. And none of these re-releases stood out so distinctly as this one.

You see – the original album (first issued in 1967) was structured as a pirate radio broadcast devoted solely to you-know-who, and the songs were interspersed with jingles and fake ads. But only on the first side. The ads disappeared from the second side, maybe because the songs themselves were more serious and they did not want to do the equivalent of painting a moustache on the Mona Lisa. Or – fans always wondered – because they had run out of ads and ideas. Continue reading

Before I Get Old – The Story Of The Who (Dave Marsh) – Book Review

The Original Cover

The Original Cover

Published in 1983, this book covers the story of The Who from the very inception of the band to their farewell tour of 1982. It is a lengthy book (it has 546 pages), and many criticisms were leveled at it owing to that – it was claimed the story was not balanced, since the book has 36 chapters and only one deals with the post-Moon Who. The Kenny Jones albums barely get a paragraph each, whereas the “classic” Who records are covered from every angle to the point that the descriptions become too exhaustive (and even exhausting) for some people.
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A Quick One (The Who) – Album Review

Alan Aldridge Designed The Pop Cover For The Album

Alan Aldridge Designed The Pop Cover For The Album

This was The Who’s sophomore album. It was released in England in the year 1966. As their previous record, it was not released in the States immediately, and when it saw release later the same year it did so with a different name (“Happy Jack”) and (again) some differences in the track list. This time, though, Decca made a wise move: it replaced one of the weakest cuts (their cover of “Heatwave”) and added the little ditty about the hermit who “lived in the sand at the Isle of Man”. Happy Jack was their first top 40 hit in the States. Incidentally, it was also to become Jimi Hendrix’s favorite Who song. Continue reading

My Generation (The Who) – Album Review

The Original Cover

The Original Cover

The Who’s debut was first released in England in the year 1965. It was released States-side in 1966, boasting a different name (“The Who Sings My Generation”) and with some variations – a song called “Circles” replaced “I’m A Man”, and one of the standout tunes (“The Kids Are Alright”) was unceremoniously abridged.

The Who’s intended debut was going to be a whole disc devoted to R & B covers, but when one of the main musical papers of the day said such an approach would be unoriginal the project was shelved and this album of Townshend-penned compositions  eventually materialized. Continue reading

The Who – General Introduction

The Shepherds Bush Boys As We Know And Love Them

The Shepherd's Bush Boys As We Know And Love Them

Dave Marsh defines The Who as “a band with four leaders”. That is very accurate. And it is even more accurate to define them as “a band with four explosive leaders”. Their lineup was unique. They were constantly at odds. They were constantly together. And they made music which strikes so deep a chord with whomever is listening that he feels as if he has known the guys all his life. Continue reading