Dario Zampetti (Veenue) – Interview (Part 2)

This is the final part of my conversation with Dario Zampetti from Veenue. Read it, post it to Facebook and Twitter, and show everybody what being one step ahead is like!

And just in case you’ve been out of touch recently, you can find the first part of this interview here.




When did you become interested in music? What was the first album or single you ever purchased?

I started to play guitar when I was 11years old. I have studied with teachers as great as Donato Begotti, owner of the Rock Guitar Academy in Milan. My first album was Eric Clapton “unplugged”, then Smashing Pumpkins and today Queens of The Stone Age.

Are you in a band yourself, or have you been in a band in the past? Is there a clip on YouTube or elsewhere we could watch?

Luckily there’re not videos around of me playing with my old bands : ) One of my funnier moments was with a “rage against the machine” like band. We’re used to perform without t-shirt and covered by colors (body paint). Like the “blue man group”. Very funny!

Musical likes and dislikes? Favorite artists?

I love Muse, QOSTA, RED HOT, GORILLAZ and many others. I listen to lot of Italian music, too. Continue reading

Dario Zampetti (Veenue) – Interview (Part 1)

Dario Zampetti from Veenue (just featured on MusicKO) is today’s interviewee. We talk about his startup (one of the most original I’ve seen in a while, actually), and then about the music he loves.

Thanks a bunch, Dario!

Full Name:
Dario Zampetti Age: 32
Startup: Veenue ltd
Position: founder & CEO



Tell us a little about your startup. How was it conceived? What are its most distinctive features in your opinion?  

The veenue idea was born after a rehearsal with my friend and business partner Massimo. We were always surprised about how hard it was to find people to play music with.

“How can we find them?”, we thought.

And after a little while, the idea was clear: to build a search engine for musicians (what they play, how they look, what they like) and try to let them to play music together even if they’re far away from each other.  I believe the most distinctive aspect of Veenue is the way everything’s approached. The idea to be free to search for people without any border, and to be free to play real music with them.

What was the original launch date?  

3rd of October 2011

What has been the response so far? In which countries has it been more successful?   

It’s still too early to say. Veenue is a simple idea, but the adoption of the whole system is not. It’s not like when you ask someone to write a text or email, we’re telling musicians that they can play together if they record a video.  As it’s not a very common approach, we need time, marketing and good reviews to spread it : )   Continue reading

Veenue – Collaborate With Musicians From All Over The World

Name: Veenue
URL: http://www.veenue.com

Do you remember the video I posted earlier this year that brought together 100 different musicians playing Led Zeppelin’s “Black Dog”? If you watched it back in the day, then I’m sure you do. That video was certainly impressive. The effort made by the folks who put it together was nothing short of titanic. I’m sure that many of you felt like being involved in something like that. And who could have guessed that you would be able to do it this soon?

Veenue is a music collaboration platform. It lets you connect with artists from every corner of the world, and create songs together. You do that by shooting and uploading videos of you performing. These are then used to create a “full” clip.

And just to add a little spice to how the site works, on Veenue you can become part of competitions which are sponsored by world-renowned brands. The first contest will start on the 3rd of October, and it will close on the 31st of March. Sponsored by Volkswagen, its winners are going to be invited to a studio in Berlin to record the song they have made together. And they’ll also get to produce a music video for the song.

Obviously, it’s still to soon to know how far this platform can go. We can’t know just yet if it will become the kind of social service people such as David Fincher end up making movies about. But the site is surely original, and you can use it without having to read a manual that would take half the Amazonia to make. And that’s just about the rightest way to kick things off, really.