Radiohead Premieres A New Song: “Staircase”

The Sessions For Radiohead’s New Album (“From The Basement”) Are Officially On.

The level of acrimony generated by the “King Of Limbs” album showcases the kind of pressure world-conquering artists are always under. Sadly-enough, the best-remembered aspect of the album so far has been the “Dancing Thom” meme. Which is not a propitious token of recognition in anybody’s book, of course.

Well, it looks as if Radiohead has taken the criticism in stride. The band has begun premiering new songs, with the first being “Staircase” (which will be part of the band’s forthcoming album, “From The Basement”). It’s been featured on Radiohead’s very own YouTube channel, and this is the clip in its entirety:

Would this song have made “King Of Limbs” better for you? Or would it all have been more of the same? Please, sound off in the comments below and let us all know where you think the legendary is headed based on all its recent activity.

“Gigantes” By Orgánica [Video]

The winners of the Grafitti Awards were announced last Friday. The
Grafitti Awards are the exact equivalent to the American Grammy
Awards, as the work of musicians across different genres and styles
is distinguished and honored.

What I want to share with you now is the clip that romped home with the
“Best  Video Award” accolade. The song is named “Gigantes” [Giants],
and it is by the Uruguayan band Orgánica. The clip was directed by Pablo Riera, and arranged by Paristexeas.

The Official Video For Kanye West’s “Monster” Is Finally Released

After Having Leaked In December 2010, The Official Video For Kanye West’s “Monster” Has Finally Been Issued

Way back in December, the video for Kanye West’s “Monster” was mysteriously leaked online. People immediately complained about the gory nature of the clip for what is unarguably one of the strongest cuts on “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” (it features Jay-Z, Nicki Minaj and Justin Vernon).

Well, the clip has finally been released in its official form. And you can watch it below. But if you found the leaked video hard to stomach, just keep your distance – the finished video for “Monster” is even gorier than the clip we all had watched last winter. Heads falling from shoulders are the least shocking thing you will see here.

In fact, Kanye went as far as to add a disclaimer that goes “the following content is in no way to be interpreted as misogynistic or negative towards any group of people. It is an art piece and it shall be taken as such.”

OK, you’ve been warned. If you’re not the faint-hearted kind, check the video now:

“Amber Jean”, The New Video By Neil Young

"A Treasure" Is Neil Young's Latest Album. It Covers His American Tours of 84/85.

Canadian legend Neil Young is releasing a live album on the 14th of June that chronicles his US tours of 1984 and 1985. Named “A Treasure”, this album is going to feature six previously-unreleased songs, making for a total of 12 tracks of the master singer/songwriter at the top of his game.

This is the first video to have been distributed to promote the album. The song is “Amber Jean”, and it was performed live on Nashville television on September 24, 1984.

How To Play The 30 Day Song Challenge On Facebook

I see many people have visited MusicKO as of late looking for information on how to play the 30 Day Song Challenge on Facebook. The post I recently published where I highlighted my 30 days of music seems to have motivated that.

I recall that I also had trouble getting started, so I decided to write this post. It basically tells you what to do in order to start posting videos once you have liked the page itself on Facebook.

This is the way it’s done:

1) Log in to Facebook.
2) Go to YouTube, and look up the video you want to post for that particular day.
3) Click on “Share”.
4) Click on the Facebook icon. This will open up a pop up (E, a separate window) that you will use to post the video to Facebook. This is done by addressing 30 Day Song Challenge (@30 Day Song Challenge), and then pasting (or typing) the information for that specific day (as found on the “Rules” section of the 30 Day Song Challenge page). This is the step that can confuse people. Look, a picture is worth a thousand words:

This Is How Videos Are Posted To Facebook When Playing The 30 Day Song Challenge

There. It wasn’t that tricky, was it? But we all definitely agree this info should be provided on the 30 Day Song Challenge page itself.

Barenaked Ladies’ “What A Good Boy” (Video)

I have begun writing the final book in the trilogy I started in 2009 with “Once”, and that saw the release of “Ten” just last year.

This time around, it is a book of short stories.

I am blogging about this new book extensively in the months to come (it is being published on the 2nd of December – the day I’m becoming 32).

What I want to share with you today is the song that is firing me up to write the main story of the whole book. It is a song by Canadian linchpins Barenaked Ladies, and it is found on their debut album, “Gordon”. I’m also listening to Soul Asylum a lot – I’ve just got the band’s full discography.

Stay tuned for more updates…

For Those Who Thought That Rebecca Black Was Bad Enough…

The whole Internet is immersed on a debate regarding the merits of Rebecca Black. On the one hand, many critics denounce her for having lowered the tone beyond all recognizable limits. On the other hand, an artist such as Lady Gaga calls her an outright genius.

I wonder what people on either side of the argument will say when they get to watch this video. Created by Disasteradio, it shows us that there is always some new pit to fall into.

The song is called “Gravy Rainbow”. Disasteradio’s album can be downloaded for free from its bandcamp profile. You look for the link at your own peril – I am not including it here. Having shared the video for “Gravy Rainbow” has been debilitating-enough…

Is Rebecca Black The New Justin Bieber?

Singer/songwriter Rebecca Black Has Got A Lot Of Attention Recently, But The Adoration Is Clearly Being Ironic.

Singer/songwriter Rebecca Black Has Got A Lot Of Attention Recently, But The Adoration Is Clearly Being Ironic.

Rebecca Black is a singer/songwriter that has become publicly-known after her song “Friday” was derisorily mentioned by comedian Michael J. Nelson on a tweet. Nelson remarked that the clip Rebecca shot for “Friday” answered the question of “What’s the worst video ever made?” more or less uniformly.

Interest on her picked up from there. Rebecca got a mention on the Comedy Central series Tosh.0, and she has been a trending topic on Twitter for the last couple of days.

Her song “Friday” has been written off time and again, but some were also quick to point that even though the song is a million miles away from being a masterpiece, it has a certain catchiness that hints at (some) potential.

I guess it’s all going to be a matter of which career moves Rebecca makes now, while all eyes are on her…