It’s Official: Lady Gaga Is The First Artist With 1 Billion Views On YouTube

Lady Gaga Did It - She Will Go Down In History As The First Artist To Have 1 Billion Views On YouTube

Lady Gaga Did It - She Will Go Down In History As The First Artist To Have 1 Billion Views On YouTube

As predicted by those who have long beards and just too much time on their hands, Lady Gaga is now the first artist with 1 billion views on YouTube. She won’t be alone for long, though – Justin Bieber will join her in a couple of days.

In having 1 billion video hits on YouTube, that is.
What did you think I was talking about??

Wanabez – Where New Talent Is Discovered


Name: Wanabez

The meteoric success of artists like Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga has opened everybody’s eyes to the role the Internet can play in a musical career, and Wanabez is here to let singers and instrumentalists have a fairer chance of being discovered.

Wanabez is a brand-new video portal for aspiring musicians, a place that is comparable to a version of YouTube in which only videos of people looking for the big break are uploaded.

Just like YouTube, Wanabez can be used for free. And the videos that are uploaded can be commented and rated by just anybody – site visitors, other performers, industry folks who stumble upon them…

Besides, since videos can be sorted both by rating and by the number of comments they have received finding the most promising acts is a much easier task. Any person looking for emerging talent can visualize only those that have received the highest qualifications, and avoid having to sit through one band after the other of fifteen year olds doing their own versions of “Whole Lotta Lovin'” with the divine conviction that they are incendiary, when they are just a good couple of light years from getting anywhere near the mark. Continue reading

Lady Gaga & Justin Bieber Are Both Close To Having 1 Billion YouTube Views

Lady Gaga Alejandro


justin bieber u smile

As I am sure you remember, just a couple of months ago Lady Gaga became the first online artist to have 1 billion views across all online video platforms.

Well, now she is nearing 1 billion views on YouTube alone. That’s an amazing feat, and a good reminder why she is called “The Internet Artist”.

However, she is not alone.

Justin Bieber is hot on her heels. And although experts are sure that Gaga will get to the milestone first (it is said she will reach that milestone on October 20), Bieber might have the last laugh. He averages 3.98 million views daily, and Gaga is pulling off just 2.04 million. If that pattern is unbroken, Bieber will eventually overtake her.

Just for the record, Michael Jackson is the third artist with more YouTube video views. But he is no threat to Gaga or Bieber at this point. As of this date, he has about 600 million video views.

Bender Converter – Convert All The Videos You Want For Free

Bender Converter

Name: Bender Converter

Last Friday a very good friend asked me to convert some YouTube videos into a format that her old computer could actually play, and burn a CD with the resulting files. There were about fifteen of them, and they were all by the same Finnish band: HIM. I don’t have to tell you such a thing wasn’t necessarily topping my list of priorities for that particular weekend. But there was no way I would let her down.

I came across this site when looking for a fast way to get that job done. And while I wouldn’t say that Bender Converter is “the best” website of its class, it did the job quite competently and I have bookmarked it.

You see, Bender Converter lets you supply the URL of the video that has to be converted and then choose an output format. There is no need for you to upload anything, and that’s always a big plus. So is the fact that a ton of video hosting services are supported. These include YouTube, Vimeo, DailMotion, Veoh and

And some of the output formats that you can go for are .AVI, .MOV, .FLV, .3GP… in fact, you can even have a video converted into an audio MP3. Useful for these ultra-rare live clips and prehistoric TV performances that some sympathetic chums upload to YouTube for mere mortals like you and me to rejoice. Continue reading

MTV Beats Vevo As The Online Destination For Watching Music Videos

MTV Becomes The Premier Destination For Watching Music Videos Once Again

MTV Becomes The Premier Destination For Watching Music Videos Once Again

People my age (IE, 30-somethings) mostly remember MTV as the place to tune into when you wanted to watch music videos and discover new bands, not to watch an endless succession of reality shows and similar “hip” content.

Everybody agrees that the Internet drove the final nail in the coffin for MTV, stealing what audience it had left and creating a whole new hierarchy for the discovery of new talent.

The irony is that now has become the premier destination for people wanting to watch music videos, well ahead of Vevo. A recent survey by comScore shows that MTV had over 53 million unique visitors in August, whereas Vevo came in second with 49 million. Continue reading

Ping Vs. MySpace – Who Is Going To Win?

Steve Jobs Ping

Apple unveiled Ping almost two weeks ago. Punters and experts alike were calling it a MySpace killer on the weeks prior to its release. More than a handful of people thought it would take the crown of the social network for music hands down.

Well, it turns out MySpace was much tougher than it seemed. Its huge userbase is not jumping ship that easily. And the over-commercialism of Ping dented its own credibility.

Tech blog Mashable recently polled its readers. They had to choose whether they preferred Ping or MySpace. The results?

42.3% (785 votes) MySpace
27.4% (509 votes) Ping Continue reading

The Biggest Candidate For The Turkish Rickroll Ever Is Here: “Cilgin” By Ismail YK

Ismail YK

Ismail YK

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the video that has been the talk of the Internet for the last couple of days notwithstanding the fact that it is in Turkish, and the only words that those among us who don’t speak the language will get are “Facebook” and “Internet” . Well, that is more than we could understand from “Hibi no Neiro”, and we all loved it regardless of that.

This particular clip is named “Cilgin” (“Crazy”), and it is performed by Ismail YK. And if it doesn’t become the Turkish Rick Roll, then I am afraid nothing will.



This is an English translation of the lyrics to the song.

I went to internet cafe
Logged in to my Facebook page
I called my self “Crazy” (Cilgin)
I’m a member as of now
I met with a sweetheart
We’ve been writing each other everyday
It’s like a medicine to my heart
I become a loving person

She deserves to be be loved
And has beautiful eyes
It’s hard to find someone like her
Everyone is asking how I found

Facebook Facebook I’ve been seeking everyday
Facebook Facebook where I found her
Facebook Facebook It’s a love at first sight
Facebook Facebook I think I’m falling for her

A Rap Video By Orelsan & The Toxic Avenger That Brings Facebook To Life

“N’importe Comment” is the newest video by French rappers Orelsan and The Toxic Avenger. It pokes fun at all the artifacts of Internet culture – “liking” and “befriending” others, LOLcats… even ChatRoulette is referenced at the end, during the “DanceRoulette” section.

What do you think? Would you have done this video differently? Would you have mentioned anything else? Or does it give anybody a substantial pop culture fix as it is?

Jackie Evancho Becomes The Newest Online Singing Sensation

Jackie Evancho

Jackie Evancho

Jackie Evancho, a ten-year old soprano from Pittsburgh has become the newest online sensation after a recent performance at the YouTube edition of “America’s Got Talent”. This is the full clip.

What do you think – are we witnessing a new rising star of the caliber of Susan Boyle, or will it all be a passing fad?