Vevo (a joint venture among Google and Universal, Sony and investor Abu Dhabi Media Company) launched in December 2009 as a way to bridge the distance that was still left between online music videos and “traditional” videos. Most of all, it was conceived as a brand-new way to serve ads to viewers.
Both Sony and Universal feature their content from A to Z on the video portal, whereas Warner (a company that has always been labeled as square by musicians and fans alike) might start feeding its own content, too.
That comes as no surprise. In April 2010,Vevo managed to climb to No. 4 on comScore’s list of sites ranked by unique viewers. During that month, it was estimated that one out of four individuals watching an online video was doing so on Vevo.
Look at the stats:

I have also read a study that says we watch approximately 2 minutes per video. According to these graphs, this means that each of us must have watched roughly 5 and a half hours of online videos during April. That amounts to something like 11 minutes of videos per day.
I don’t know how accurate do these numbers sound to you. I can tell you as a fact that I have found myself landing a lot on Vevo recently when merely carrying Google searches – that didn’t happen with such a frequency before.
What do you think? Are these stats accurate? Do you spend more time watching videos at work than ever before? Or is Google’s Pacman the one and only thing you have to plead guilty to as far as your productivity went in the past months?